…So How Do You Find A Spiritual Man, One Whose Heart Is Aligned With God’s Heart? 10 Traits to Check!

Wendy Wall
26 min readOct 14, 2020

If you are a married man, you know that being a good husband is not easy. One reason is that it does not come by “instinct.” Skill in marriage is similar to skill in any other field of endeavor? — it must be acquired. And that takes time, thought, and effort.

But what is the right kind of husband? True, you can read many books about this written by doctors, psychiatrists, and marriage counselors, and these books no doubt contain valuable information. But often such persons give conflicting advice. Whose advice will you follow?

Does it not make more sense to turn to the One who originated marriage to get information about the subject? That One is Jehovah God. He created man and woman? — and originated marriage.? — Genesis 2:22- 24.

To stay close to our Lord, we need to realize just how much he loves us. Think of all that He has done for us. He has given us a beautiful earth and filled it with fascinating plants and animals. He has also given us delicious food to eat and clean water to drink. Through the Bible, the Lord has taught us his name and his wonderful qualities. Above all, he showed his love for us when he sent his beloved Son, Jesus to the earth to give his life for us (John 3:16), whose example will be considered in the second trait And because of that sacrifice, we have a wonderful hope for the future.

But how can we maintain and develop our relationship with God?

How did you become God’s friend? Through your study of the Bible, you came to know Jehovah more and developed a friendship with him. This friendship is like a fire that you want to keep burning. Just as a fire needs fuel to burn, you need to continue learning about Jehovah to keep your friendship strong. As you continue to study the Bible, you will learn things that really touch your heart. Notice how two of Jesus’ disciples felt as Jesus was explaining Bible prophecies to them. They said: “Were not our hearts burning within us as he was speaking to us on the road, as he was fully opening up the Scriptures to us?”-Luke 24:32.

Once you become a friend of God, you need to work hard to keep your friendship strong. You must continue to learn about him and Jesus and to think about what you are learning and how you can apply it in your life. When you read or study the Bible, ask yourself: What does this teach me about Jehovah God? Why should I love him with my whole heart and soul?

Also, remember how key important it is to talk to God in honest heartfelt prayer. Ask him to guide you and to have the strength to fulfill your role as a husband.

When we study the matter from God’s viewpoint, we quickly see that the role of the husband is in certain respects more difficult than that of the wife. Why? Because God’s Word states: “A husband is head of his wife”(Ephesians 5:23) God has assigned the man the leading role in marriage, that of headship. So his role is more complex.

Being the head means that you as the husband have the main role in providing for your family materially, spiritually, and emotionally. You are the one who should make the major decisions and take the initiative in doing things for the good of the family.

Trait 2: Jesus Christ: a perfect model for a husband.

The Son of God never got married. Even so, we all have learned to understand and appreciate the way he treated others. His perfect personality shines and serves as the exact pattern that we should follow.

This is especially related to husbands. It is clear that none of us is perfect as Jesus was. But let’s think about this, if our model is a perfect person, although unattainable, won’t our effort be rewarded with very high moral standards?

It is not about being perfect, this will cause us unnecessary stress, and also, we can make the mistake of starting to see the weaknesses of others. This would provoke a series of negative thoughts that later transform into feelings. And this would affect health.

Remember that everything is connected, and it is vital to maintain balance. Although it may not seem so, that balance will result if we remember the command to love our neighbor Mathew 22:39 which states: “You must love your neighbor as yourself”.

Generally, most women tend to be more emotional, the things we think and say can have an effect on our wife that we don’t expect. Imagine this scenario:

A woman has a hobby of singing. She is not professional, but that means that she does not sing well. Well, one day she records a song that is difficult for her in her natural tone of voice, so she adapts her tone. When she finishes the song, she shows it to her husband to see if he likes it. He replies, “Not bad, but it sounds forced as if you were not comfortable singing it.” The husband does not intend to make his wife feel bad, much less, on the contrary, he shows her that he is interested and explains his observation. However, for some unexpected reason, she misinterprets her husband’s words and is offended but she doesn’t say why. How would a good husband react?

Logically, the husband may not understand why this reaction is due to. Now there are several options on how to respond. The husband can choose

to not pay attention because he knows that he has not done or said anything to upset her. But would it not be more loving to try to understand why his wife feels that way? Absolutely. Moreover, How much do you think the wife from this example appreciates her husband´s effort of reaching out to her?

Jesus sought to refresh others and lighten their load.

Jesus promised all who were oppressed and weighed down by personal problems: “Come to me, . . . and I will refresh you.” (Mathew 11:28,29) He often alleviated their physical suffering and provided refreshing spiritual help. No wonder many felt drawn to Jesus, convinced that he would lighten their load.

Jesus was considerate and empathetic. For 12 years, a poor woman had suffered from a grievous health problem. On hearing about Jesus’ miraculous power, “she kept saying: If I touch just his outer garments, I will get well.’” She was right. She approached Jesus, touched the fringes of his garment, and was cured at once. Though some observers likely concluded that this woman acted presumptuously, Jesus perceived that

she was desperate. He kindly told her: “Daughter, . . . be healed from your grievous sickness.” Not only did he avoid embarrassing or rebuking her but he acknowledged her illness. He thus showed what kind of man he was — a man of empathy

Jesus talked extensively to his friends. “I have made known to you all the things I have heard from my Father,” he said. (John 15:15). It is true that Jesus sometimes wanted to be alone with his thoughts and to pray. But he often shared his innermost feelings with his disciples. The night before he was put to death as a condemned criminal, he frankly told them that he was “deeply grieved.” (Mathew 26:38). Even when their actions disappointed him, Jesus never stopped talking to his friends.-Mathew 26:40:41.

So, as we have seen, Jesus was a man that was always available. So as the head of the family, may the husband be always willing to listen, show empathy and kindness as Jesus shows.

Trait 3. Lead by example. A spiritual leader.

Generally, if a husband and wife have a healthy relationship, they make decisions together as equals, looking to Christ as the ultimate Head of their home. They compare their individual aptitudes and assume tasks based on their individual strengths. In some areas of service, they share tasks. But they also recognize that, in the final analysis, the husband carries the greater responsibility for leadership.

If we are looking to Jesus Christ as our model, this can only mean one thing: the man is supposed to follow the path of a servant-leader. Jesus put it this way: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:25–28).

A spiritual servant-leader, then, imitates Christ. He’s tuned in to his family’s needs and concerned for its spiritual welfare. He looks for ways to help its members grow in their relationship with God. He provides physical support, grace, and encouragement. He is ready to protect, help, and defend. In hard times and good times, in season and out of season, he’s ready to lay down his life for those who have been entrusted to his care.

What kinds of qualities are required in a husband who desires to fulfill this high and holy calling?

He must have a strong connection with his Heavenly Father, finding his happiness in Christ first, realizing that he can lead effectively only if he maintains an intimate relationship with the Lord.

He must be balanced in his commitments and nurturing in his concern for the mental and emotional

needs of each family member.

He must be proactive, spotting potential challenges to the welfare of his wife and children and coming up with workable solutions to problems.

And he must be characterized by integrity, seeking to be the safest, wisest, and most respected man his family has ever known.

Some people are born natural leaders. But within themselves, all men have the inner capacity to lead their family.

Trait 4. Communication. The foundation of the way to marriage success.

Communication is to the marriage what blood is to the body. Communication is essential for a strong, vibrant, and fulfilling marriage.

Unfortunately, communication nowadays has become very damaged. And it is not surprising. Because remember that Satan is always trying to destroy marriages, especially Christian marriages. Unfortunately, he has already achieved to manipulate society into believing that it is not possible for two persons to stick to each other in love forever. Besides, the Devil rules this world with his filthy lies and influences over mankind with unnatural behaviors.

But we are not alone, and thanks to God´s Word, the Bible, we find practical counsels that help us discern ways to endure and thrive in this system of things. Here are some practical advises:

Silence and put your phone away when you are together — It’s so easy to hide in our phones when we don’t want to face issues when stressed, tired, or we just want to retreat, justifying it as a means of escapism. But choosing a screen over the one right in front of you will damage a relationship every. single. time. Put it away.

Compliment in public, correct in private — This is a quote from our pastor. We LOVE it and use it often. Nothing will silence a spouse like correcting them, “guiding them”, intimidating, or belittling them in public. Correction is done when no one is looking. When we are with family or friends, lavishly compliment your spouse and see how it build trust, respect, igniting self-confidence, and communication.

Check your heart — We all carry quiet, unspoken thoughts about our spouses. In acquaintance relationships, we can mask those thoughts. But, when it comes to our spouses what’s in our heart will come out, in nagging, subtle “hints”, rolling of the eyes, snidey comments, or ugly truths shouted from the top of your lungs in a ragging fight. Be careful what you think about your spouse. Have a humble view of yourself, not exalting yourself in position over the one you are married to. Ask God often for His heart for your spouse, to see them as He sees them. For out of our hearts our mouths will speak. Edify your heart, keeping it close to God’s word, making it safe for your spouse to share. “I am sorry” isn’t a cuss word — When some first get married, it is painful to say, “I am sorry”. Some people are so stubborn and prideful. And the same goes if we find it hard to say “ I love you “. But, as the years pass, many realize these three words are some of the most important we ever say. When we have faltered, acknowledge, confess and in doing so we keep repairing the relationship. Bridges of repentance make for effortless conversations. Your spouse will trust you, and words will just naturally flow when our spouse sees we are humble and honest about our shortcomings. Fill up your spouses love-tank — When your spouse’s love tank is filled, they will be more likely to want to engage and communicate. Selflessness and service are key to honoring the one God put before you. Making sure your spouse’s needs are a priority turns a bumpy, side road of silence, to an easy driving freeway of communication. Try it.

Tear down the walls — Again, this is about the heart. Here´s an example: As a couple was talking, they had noticed other couples will “walled off rooms” in their hearts for things they won’t talk about. Thing is, one dead-bolted room turns into another, and before you know, a year later, your spouse is standing in the entryway of your heart, and you never get past “hi’s” or “hello’s”. Don’t be afraid to discuss hard topics, expose your heart and vulnerabilities, fears, doubts, and dreams. The greatest advice we were ever given was to work through each topic even if we have to talk well into the morning. The conversation is hard if we have vaulted hearts and won’t let people or their words come to join us. Life was never meant to be lived alone, and hearts were created to love, not just to be bolted shut, filled with rooms no one can ever enter.

Make space to talk — For a good couple, this isn’t really relevant because they should talk constantly; while cooking, changing babies, in the car, whenever we are together. But, let´s realize it. Some people aren’t like this, and it is a good idea (especially if you have trouble communicating) to set aside time (without children) to look at your spouse in their eyes and talk. Eat a meal, get a babysitter, and set aside uninterrupted time to talk transparently. Your marriage and children will thank you later. Listen as much as you talk — Often in marriages, one can be the chatterbox and the other quieter. If you wonder if you are too quiet or too talkative, try considering if you talk equally as much as you listen? If not, maybe you need to step back and make space for the other person in the marriage. Play together and laugh together — “I wish my wife and I would have known this sooner”, say most couples who tackle this. Laughter has a way of opening the heart, tenderizing us, and making us vulnerable. The play has the power to break down walls, letting those we are having fun with, closer to us, in more ways than one. Try getting out, doing something different, enjoying each other and your family, and watch conversations just naturally start flowing. Laughter and play have the power to enhance communication, giving you and your spouse a common theme and fun-loving memories. Life is too short to take it too seriously.

Ask great questions and truly listen for the answer…then ask more questions — We see this with Jesus in His relationships. He knew everything, and yet, He asked people a ton of questions. Questions draw people out, making them think, and really engaging them in the relationship. Questions are always a great conversation starter. But the key is to actually listen and then thoughtfully ask even more questions afterward, listening to hear, not just to respond. Rid your heart of offenses. From what we have seen, most people stop talking because one or both people in the marriage have felt some kind of offense from the other. One ridicules and blames, doesn’t listen, is prideful, and thinks they are perfect, making it unsafe for the other person to talk.

One person might have been hurt or lied to, didn’t agree with, or somehow offended the other. When we are offended, we cannot love and when we cannot love, the first sign of a strained relationship is that we stop talking. Ask God to help you forgive because love is patient, trust, talk through, and rebuild the broken boundaries/issues in your relationship. Once you do, you might just find conversations flowing again, like a dam released, where clean mountain waters start streaming effortlessly as a result of forgiveness and trust.

God wants people to enjoy happy, lasting marriages. But the key lies in the hands of those united in wedlock. It takes two loving people who really work together to unlock the door to a successful marriage by mastering the art of wholesome communication.

Trait 5. Providing for who you care.

The apostle Paul wrote: “Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.” (1 Timothy 5:8) When Paul spoke of “anyone” here, whom did he have in mind? It was the family head, usually the father. God also gives the woman a dignified role as a helper to her husband. Women in Bible times often helped their husbands to provide for the family. Today, single-parent families are ever more common.*Many single Christian parents are doing an admirable job of providing for their household. Of course, it is ideal for a family to have both parents, with the father taking the lead.

In today’s world, there are many obstacles a family head may face in order to provide in that way. Economic hardships are common worldwide, as are layoffs, high unemployment rates, and a rising cost of living. What can help a provider to persevere in the face of such challenges?

A provider does well to remember that he is carrying out an assignment from God. Paul’s inspired words show that a man who is able to obey this command yet refuses to do so is comparable to one who has “disowned the faith.” A Christian would do his utmost to avoid such a standing before his God. Sadly, though, many people in today’s world have “no natural affection.” (2 Timothy 3:1, 3) Indeed, countless fathers shirk their responsibility, leaving their family in the lurch. Christian husbands do not share that hardhearted, casual view of providing for their own. Unlike many of their coworkers, Christian providers see even the most menial of jobs as being dignified and important, a means of pleasing God, since it enables them to provide for their loved ones.

Family heads may also find it helpful to contemplate Jesus’ perfect example. Remember, the Bible prophetically refers to Jesus as our “Eternal Father.” As “the last Adam,” Jesus effectively replaces “the first man Adam” as the father of those of mankind who exercises faith. Unlike Adam, who turned out to be a selfish, self-serving father, Jesus is the ideal father. The Bible says of him: “By this, we have come to know love, because that one surrendered his soul for us.” Yes, Jesus willingly offered up his own life for others. However, he also on a day-to-day basis put the needs of others ahead of his own in smaller ways. All parents do well to imitate that self-sacrificing spirit.

Parents can learn much about selfless love from Jesus’ words to God’s wayward people: “How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings!”Jesus here painted a vivid word picture of a mother hen sheltering her young with her wings. Truly, parents may

learn much from the protective instincts of a mother bird, who will readily put herself at risk to protect her chicks from harm. What parent birds do on a day-to-day basis, though, is also remarkable to see. They fly to and fro incessantly in their search for food. Even when near exhaustion, they drop the food into the gaping beaks of their hatchlings, who swallows it and usually clamor for more. Many of God’s creatures are “instinctively wise” in the way they care for the needs of their young.

Trait 6. A good father

The Bible speaks frequently and clearly regarding many of the responsibilities and privileges of Christian fathers. One of the important aspects of Adam’s life was his role as a father. Genesis specifically mentions three of his sons — Cain, Abel, and Seth. Later, Noah’s three sons find both partnership and protection as they join in the ark and survive the Flood with Noah, their mother, and their spouses. Abraham would later become a father in a remarkable way and would further serve as a “father” to Israel through whom all people would be blessed.

The Law of Moses gives instructions to fathers. Of primary importance are the words of Deuteronomy 6:6–7: “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Several observations can be made based on these words. Fathers are to know God’s Word, study it, teach it to their children, and be involved on a daily basis with their kids.

In Proverbs, additional wisdom is given regarding the responsibilities of a godly father. For example, Proverbs 22:6 teaches, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” A father likewise provides the discipline to children.

This being said, this does not mean a parent must spank a child or that other forms of punishment cannot also be used. Each family must determine the best way to discipline their own children in ways that show love and nurture the development of children toward appropriate behavior. Christian parents are called to be responsible for the discipline of their children and to use appropriate, caring methods to help children grow into young men and women of integrity.

In the New Testament, specific instructions are given to fathers in Ephesians 6:4: “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Negatively, fathers are not to “provoke” or frustrate their children through parenting that hurts their kids. Positively, fathers are

to instead teach their children God’s Word to provide wisdom for living well and to help children come to salvation.

Jesus also highlighted the importance of a father to provide for his children when He taught, “Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Mathew 7:9–11). Though speaking of God’s role

as Father, the principle includes a father’s desire to care for his children and to show them love as a godly thing.

Children, however, are not only a father’s responsibility; they are also a father’s privilege. Psalms 127:3–5 declares, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!” Children are a gift from God to be cherished and nurtured by fathers. Christian fathers can help encourage a legacy of godliness as Joshua declared years ago, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

This being said, this does not mean a parent must spank a child or that other forms of punishment cannot also be used. Each family must determine the best way to discipline their own children in ways that show love and nurture the development of children toward appropriate behavior. Christian parents are called to be responsible for the discipline of their children and to use appropriate, caring methods to help children grow into young men and women of integrity.

Trait 7. The relationship with the family

Marriage creates a new family. Though you will always love and respect your parents, your mate is now the most important person on earth for you. This may be difficult for some of your relatives to accept. But Bible principles can help you to find a balance so that you can keep peace with your relatives as you work hard to build your new family relationship.

“Honor your father and your mother.” (Ephesians 6:2) Regardless of how old you are, you always need to honor and respect your parents. Recognize that your mate too, as a son or a daughter, needs to give attention to his or her parents. “Love is not jealous,” so never feel threatened by the relationship your mate has with them. — 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:26.

What can you do?

Avoid making broad statements, such as “Your family always puts me down” or “Your mother never likes what I do”

Try to see things from your mate’s perspective

Also, a husband should be firm when necessary. “A man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) When you marry, your parents may feel that they are still responsible for you, and they may want to be more involved in your marriage than they should be.

It is up to you and your mate to agree on what boundaries you will set for them and then lovingly let them know. You can be open and direct without being rude. Humility, mildness, and patience will help you build a warm relationship with your relatives and continue “putting up with one another in love.” — Ephesians 4:2

If you are concerned about how much the relatives are involved in your life, discuss it with your mate when things are calm

Come to a mutual agreement on how you will take care of these matters

It is important to understand your parents’ feelings and their point of view. They do not mean any harm with their involvement. They genuinely care about you. It can be difficult for your parents to view you and your mate as an independent family. They may even feel abandoned. But by following Bible principles and by having open communication, you will still be able to honor your parents without compromising your marriage.

Trait 8. A protector

A husband is uniquely equipped to protect his family. There is more to protecting his family than simply being strong and taking the proverbial bullet in place of his wife or children.

Physical protection: The godly husband is responsible for the physical security of his family. God has given men greater physical strength than women and has also given men a need or desire to be protectors. You are to use this God-given strength to protect your wife and to ensure that she feels secure. She must know that you will protect her even at the cost of your own life. You must be the first into battle, you must be the one who knows that “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

You must also be proactive, protecting your family from predators. You must be constantly aware, constantly on guard against danger your family may encounter. So, for example, you will need to take the lead in ensuring that your children are using the internet wisely, that you have criteria for protecting your children from predators online or offline, that they are not encountering things on television that their minds and hearts are not yet equipped to understand. You will guard and protect your children from sexual temptation or sexual expression while they are dating.

You do this by refusing to give in to the temptation to dominate your wife and children as an overlord instead of a servant. You must learn how to properly discipline your children so you guard their bodies and their hearts. You will need to learn how your wife is different from you emotionally so you can be tender and understanding toward her (see 1 Peter 3:7 and Colossians 3:21). You need to provide loving leadership that guides and protects with dignity and love.

Protects the family theologically. You do this by developing wisdom and discernment–by pursuing godliness. You must be careful not to introduce to them any false teaching, knowing that as a teacher, the most important teacher your family will have, you will be judged with a harsher judgment for any false

doctrine you may recommend to them.

The godly husband focuses special attention on protecting his wife. And what man doesn’t feel the need to protect his wife? There is something in the very makeup of a man that compels him to protect her, to shelter her from the pain life can bring.

Protects his wife physically. As we have seen, a godly husband uses his strength to protect his wife from any physical harm. He puts himself in harm’s way rather than risking her harm. He does not allow himself to feel that he needs to turn his cheek to any kind of abuse of his wife but reacts with strength even at the risk of his own harm. He will face his own harm, he will face his own death, to keep his wife from suffering at the hand of others.

Allow me a brief aside here. I think most husbands have come to terms with the idea that we need to be willing to die for our wives. There is something noble and chivalrous that compels us to admit this and to romanticize it. “Of course I’d die for my wife!” But I wonder, do you find it equally easy to live for your wife? If you do not live day-to-day honoring and blessing and serving your wife, what assurance would she have, what assurance would you have, that would also be willing to die for her? It seems to me that dying for her is the easy part. You can go down in a blaze of glory and have a great story written about you in the newspaper. But it is that long, daily commitment through fifty or sixty years of marriage that is the true proving ground. Don’t just die for your wife–live for her!

Protects his wife emotionally. The godly husband will protect his wife’s heart. One of the ways he does this is by becoming a student of her. He learns what she loves and learns what she hates; he learns what draws her heart to him and what turns her heart from him. He avoids anything that will damage or scar her heart. “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel” (1 Peter 3:7).

Protects his wife sexually. This is a particular area of responsibility from a husband to a wife. The godly husband will not demand of his wife what she is unwilling or unable to give. He will not force her or badger her into sexual deeds that violate her body or violate her conscience. He seeks to protect her from any kind of sexual harm, including the false messages that can come from raunchy movies or from pornography. When writing about sexual purity I received emails from wives whose husbands introduced them to pornography, seeking to add it as a means of spicing up their love life. What a lack of love, to compound sin upon sin by drawing a wife’s heart after a husband’s own evil desires! As a godly husband, you need to understand God’s purposes in sexuality and protect your wife from any violation of them. You need to understand from 1 Corinthians 7 that your desire in sex should be pursuing your wife’s desires rather than your own.

Protect his wife spiritually. Protect your wife spiritually, primarily by your commitment to pray for her, to hold her up before the throne of God. Commit yourself to pray for her every day and even many times a day. Pray for her constantly, repeatedly, unceasingly. Know that your prayers, as her leader, as her husband, must have special value before God. Tell her that you pray for her and ask her what you can pray for on her behalf. Commit yourself to this practice and look for the evidence of God’s response to your earnest supplications.

Trait 9. He never gives up

It is certainly not easy being a husband nor a father. But God does not ask us to do anything we cannot fulfill.

Today, loyalty in marriage is under attack. To protect his marriage, a husband must be determined to do two things:

1. Marriage is one of the most important things in his life. It deserves priority.

God wants husbands to focus on their mates and “enjoy life” together. He makes it clear that he should never neglect his mate but, rather, they both should look for ways to make each other happy. Make your mate feel needed and appreciated. So, even though the daily hardships and struggles of life make us feel tired, our marriage should be a beacon of light that calls us home, where we find rest and feel loved the most.

Make sure that you regularly spend time together, giving your mate your undivided attention Think of “we” instead of “me

Our mind is a complex yet powerful tool if we train it to adapt to a certain pattern. In this case, if we continue to work hard in our marriage, it will develop a deeper, more meaningful, and stronger bond. The result becomes that husbands no longer may see taking care and show love as a task, but rather as a joy.

The responsibilities of a husband are many, so it is also important that he understands and enjoys rest, getting something back from all his effort. They must remember always to maintain balance in everything they do, for their sake and the sake of their family.

Unfortunately, there is one common and very powerful enemy, temptation. It might be of any kind, but the most cunning and dangerous is thinking about immoral things. So, therefore:


The Bible says: “Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”(Mathew 5:28) If someone keeps thinking about immoral things, in a sense, he is being unfaithful to his mate. To do this, you must guard your eyes. Follow the example of the patriarch Job, who made a covenant with his eyes never to look with desire at another woman. (Job 31:1) Be determined to never view pornography. And be resolved to avoid any romantic attachment to a person other than your mate.

Make it obvious to others that you are completely committed to your mate

Consider your mate’s feelings, and immediately end any relationship that would make your mate uncomfortable

Even though there is no doubt that a man loves his wife, our imperfection causes us to feel curiosity for other women, something new. With time, physical attraction fades away. That is why it´s imperative to revive the passion with their spouses, falling in love with their wife happened for a reason, and it´s necessary to maintain that figurative flame.

Husbands must be honest with themselves and identify their weaknesses. Should not be embarrassed to ask for help. If having immoral thoughts, keep on fighting them. Do not be discouraged. God will bless their efforts to remain loyal to their wives.

Trait 10. Future husbands

Falling in love and getting married is the dream that most young Christian men have. But it is common to grow impatient. Keep in mind that love at first sight does not really exist. Much of your happiness in marriage depends on what you expect from it. What can be expected?


Companionship. God made each of them with unique attributes so that they would be different, yet compatible. Thus, a husband and wife make excellent companions for each other.

Partnership. That is certainly true of marriage. “It’s all about working as a team and being humble and willing to yield once in a while.

Intimacy. The Bible says: “The husband should meet his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should do the same for her husband.” (1 Corinthians 7:3) When married, you can enjoy having sex without the anxiety and regret that are so often the sad consequences of premarital sex.

The bottom line: Marriage is a gift from God. When you abide by his principles, you can expect marriage to be a richly rewarding way of life.

To think about: Is your view of marriage soured by poor examples that you have observed? — perhaps in your own family? If so, what positive role models can you look to that are worthy of imitation?


Conflict. No two humans are identical? — except that they’re imperfect. So a husband and wife will occasionally have conflicts, no matter how compatible they seem. Sometimes they may even say unpleasant

things that they later regret. Rather than idealistically trying to avoid all disagreements, successful couples learn how to discuss and settle them when they arise.

Disappointment. “We’re bombarded with movies and TV shows in which the girl finds her ?perfect’ match and lives happily ever after. When a marriage fails to live up to such an ideal, both mates may become disillusioned. Of course, after marriage, both mates are bound to discover additional imperfections and quirks in each other. The key is to remember that true love “endures all things”? — even disappointment.? — 1 Corinthians 13:4, 7

Anxiety. Such anxiety is normal and often even proper. For example, you may find it challenging to make ends meet. Both mates might have to work just to pay for food, clothing, and a place to live. But you can succeed if you work as a team to provide for your household as we saw in the previous traits.

The bottom line: If dating is like flying a kite, marriage is like piloting a plane. You’ll need considerably more skill and effort to deal with the turbulent challenges? — but they can succeed.

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Wendy Wall

Wendy Wall writes books articles and blogs with regard to romance and family to encourage and edify.